11 / July / 2018 24:50

E-Vehicles on Mashhad University Campus

EghtesadOnline: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad has commenced a plan to use electric vehicles as transport services moving students inside the campus.

News ID: 783231

“These vehicles are to be used in a trial phase, and will replace the former diesel buses used on campus by the next academic year starting in September,” Adel Sepehr, secretary to the university’s Strategic Council for Green Management, told IRNA. According to Sepehr, five units of 14-seat electric minibuses have been added to the university’s transport fleet. He is of the opinion that realizing the dream of a green campus is tied to the provision of prerequisites such as removing old busses infamous for being fuel intensive and noise pollutant; and that replacing diesel buses with clean electric vehicles could help resolve the adverse effects of such problems. He mentioned similar programs currently in progress in the university, namely traffic systems and schemes, managing water reservoirs, building solar power plants, insulation and double glazing of windows, as well as waste management. The Engineering College of Ferdowsi University has managed to manufacture a single-occupancy electric vehicle, and another one intended for public transport is undergoing tests, according to Financial Tribune.


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